Friday, April 30, 2010

If the USA is the Land of Opportunity...

.....then I coin Jordan as the Land of Empty Gestures and False Promises. There is a very funny show called Curb Your Enthusiasm starring Larry David. (As a side note if any of you know his character you now have a better understanding of Brian....there are some frightening similarities) Anyways, on an episode he told a friend if he ever needed anything to be sure to ask for help. To Larry's disbelief the friend calls him out on the favor and then Larry admits it was an "empty gesture". He had no intentions of actually doing a favor for his friend and just said it to fill space in the conversation.
I really like some things about living here, but what I am still adjusting to is the constant "empty gestures". On the surface everyone seems very friendly. For example, a woman that Brian knows offered to meet up one day for tea to talk about possible job opportunities. She penciled me in for a couple days later and now our meeting has been erased and re-written three times because she is too busy. Am I missing something here? Why offer to help if you don't really want to. Another example is being told they will call you back in a day. I had a job interview that went well and he said he'd call in 2 days, it has now been 2 weeks. I am sure you are just thinking he didn't want to offer me the job, but again, why can't they just tell you that. The latest and most harsh blow has been while looking for an apartment. There has been three incidents where we have negotiated and agreed on a price for an apartment to then have it fall through. The first time they secretly tried to get us to pay property tax, the second one switched not only the price but the furniture on us at the last minute and lastly we had a woman who called us to make a deal and then proceeded to call back several hours later and change her mind. We even filed a complaint with the tourist police for one of the deals that fell through because we were so sick of being lied to.
I am finally catching on after a month that most people here are full of sh**. On the up side, living here is going to force me to be more assertive and confident. And there is sunshine.....lots and lots of sunshine!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Having a boyfriend as a professional photographer has its perks. Having a creative and resourceful boyfriend as a photographer has even more. My latest example is our free trip to the Dana Guesthouse. Brian told the lodge that he wanted to write an article about eco-lodges in Jordan and asked if he could come there and spend a night for free, take some pictures and interview the owner. They happily advertising for them. The guesthouse is in the Dana Biosphere Reserve, about a 2 hour drive from Amman. This guesthouse is not technically an eco-lodge, but they are working towards it. Jordan is not what I would call an environmentally conscientious country, so the fact that the lodge is even attempting to be environmentally friendly is a huge step. (I think I even saw a plastic bottle recycled there!!) It was beautiful, relaxing and just what we needed. Brian took great photos and interviewed the head of tourism for his article while I just sat on the deck and took in the view. He was so inspired by the architect that he now wants to write another article just about him. Apparently he has designed several other lodges in Jordan. I see more free nights in my future!!

**The first photo is from the deck
The second photo is of the guesthouse from a village nearby
The third photo is of Dana Village (you can see the guesthouse on the left)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yes, this is me posing for a shot to help Brian set up lights to take a portrait of the owner of the biggest watch dealer in Jordan. He paid me in love, which he told me was the going rate for this type of work.