Saturday, May 1, 2010


Here are a few pictures from The Citadel in town. It's on the top of a hill and has a perfect view of the city. The bottom picture is of a Roman Amphitheater in the downtown area.

O........That's what I'm talking about

The Dead Sea is 1,385 ft below sea level and the lowest elevation on Earth. It is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity. It is 8.6 times more salty than the ocean. It is not the most refreshing body of water to jump into on a hot day, but is very fun to just bounce to the top like a buoy. It is very beautiful and there are many hotels along the water that have swimming pools so you can enjoy the view and swim in water that doesn't hurt if you happened to shave your legs that day.
The latest addition to this area is a new place named "O". They are marketing it as a whole new concept because it isn't a hotel but just a place to spend the day in the lap of luxury. O is designed for the rich people in Jordan, or tourists with money to burn. On Thursday they had a grand opening and Brian was asked to go and take some pictures. I begged him to get me in because I knew I would never be able to afford to go again. I still am unclear how much it costs because they conveniently forgot to add prices to their brochures, but I was told it was 500 JD's for a private bungalow for the day. (500 JD=$700USD)
The grand opening was even more glamorous than I had imagined. The spa was absolutely gorgeous. It was full of pools, bars in and out of water, restaurants, private bungalows, huge chairs that looked like beds and the whole place was sand colored with green accents. There were several private massage areas as well with their own hot tubs and showers. The list of spa treatments filled an entire booklet and they use all organic and local products like minerals from the Dead Sea and fresh fruit. They had tables everywhere with free appetizers, a huge buffet for dinner and an open bar. We were told early on that Janet Jackson was playing........eventually we figured out that by Janet Jackson they meant to say Celine Jackson a washed up musician who sings covers. (another false promise I fell for, when will I learn!)

I didn't bring my camera so these pictures were taken by Brian.