Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tree Climbing Goats

These goats are common in Morocco. We have tons of goats here, but sadly ours just walk on the ground. I came across these photos yesterday and still laugh every time I see them.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Brian and I went to Beirut for four nights recently............... We had a pretty good time walking, drinking and eating in excess................ We swam in the Mediterranean and hung out on these big cliffs with the locals. Though we were happy to be out of town and exploring a new city... we couldn't help but be disappointed...............Our biggest complaint was there were no beaches..........which seemed a shame considering they have access to all this beautiful water................... As we were driving to the airport to go home......... about 10 minutes outside of the city....... we passed a HUGE beach wrapping beautifully along the coast line.......... Once we got back to Amman we heard from many sources that Beirut is known for their beautiful beaches........Oh well...........Maybe next time...............

**All the dots are for Brian..................he thinks I over use them...............
