Friday, July 29, 2011

School's Out

I just finished an intensive 5 week program at George Mason University called the Fast Train Program. It was exhausting but worth it. I made it through with only one meltdown, not bad I think. I am so very excited!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Childhood Nostalgia

I was overcome with nostalgia a few nights ago. I saw one single lightning bug flicker its light while I was driving to go have dinner with my sister in Fairfax Virginia. I immediately got excited and had flashbacks to my childhood. I use to collect them in a jar and be amazed at the glowing treasures I had caught. Those were the days. I miss the pure innocence of childhood when your biggest concern was to catch more lightning bugs than your friends and decide which flavored popsicle to have that night. Sadly, I do remember squishing a few on the sidewalk and making a glowing streak.

We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I have been back in the U.S. for 3 full days now and have taken notice of a few things:
1. The first thing I noticed is how much I missed understanding people talking around me. I have been chatting it up with everyone I come in contact with, be it the bus driver, the grocery store check out guy, strangers waiting in line with me or people I see in my dorm.
2. I think I may be stuck in money converting mode because every time I buy something I start to think what it really costs.
3. I really love trees.
4. I realize how incredibly loud Amman was and how much I appreciate peace and quiet.
5. It is appalling how women are treated in Jordan and I am grateful that I don't have to deal with it any more.
6. I missed grocery shopping in the U.S.
7. I need to re-train myself to use sidewalks (in Jordan everyone just walks in the street)
8. Apparently in both countries strange men think it is appropriate to offer me a ride. Who are they kidding, do any women actually say yes?

Friday, June 24, 2011

My New Adventure...

I have officially moved out of the middle east! I am wondering what I should call my blog now, I guess I could just take away the "Middle East". For my next adventure I will be a college student again. I am enrolled in a program called Fast Train at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. I am working towards earning a teaching certificate. I have to take 5 weeks of classes this summer and next summer, several online courses, do lots of observations, take a few tests, teach abroad for one more school year and voila I have a teaching certificate. It is an international program so I have to teach elementary education for a year in a foreign country (which one I don't know yet). I just arrived on campus yesterday and am living in a dorm type setup. I have my own room, there is a full kitchen and I have 2 other roommates as of now. Brian is not with me, we will meet up in August when I am finished here. It feels incredibly strange living with strangers and being a full time student again. However, I am excited to start classes Monday and think this program is perfect for me. I don't have the attention span to take classes part time for 3 years to earn this certificate. I have been teaching for years already and just want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Luckily I have a few days to get over my jet leg because 9 credits in 5 weeks is pretty intense. Wish me luck!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Around The World In 105 Days!

After a lot of hard work(on Brian's end), a long wait, several sleepless nights and possibly a little luck, I am happy to say that Brian and I are officially setting sail on the 2012 Spring Voyage with Semester at Sea!! Brian was officially offered the position as photographer. I have applied for several positions, but most likely won't know if I get one of them until right before we leave (either way I get to go with). For those of you who don't know anything about Semester at Sea, it is a study abroad experience where students take classes on the ship while at sea and then go to several ports (8-12 countries) to explore the world's most fascinating sites while earning college credits. Our voyage leaves in the middle of January and is for about 3 and a half months. This will be Brian's second time doing this and I am so very happy that I get to join him this time! Here is the itinerary:
  • EMBARK: Nassau, Bahamas
  • Havana, Cuba
  • Manaus, Brazil
  • Takoradi, Ghana
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Port Louis, Mauritius
  • Chennai, India
  • Singapore
  • Ho Chi Minh, City, Viet Nam
  • Hong Kong, China
  • Shanghai, China
  • Kobe, Japan
  • Yokohama, Japan
  • Hilo, Hawaii
  • DEBARK: San Diego, CA USA

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Times at the Dead Sea

Here are a few more fun photos at the Dead Sea with my future in-laws. Little did I know that in a few hours I would be engaged. I still can't believe it!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Big Question!!

I am happy to say that I am officially engaged!! It was the most beautiful and romantic moment of my life so far. Brian managed after 7 years of knowing each other to completely surprise me to the point that I was speechless. His parents are still in town and we all went down to the Dead Sea last night to stay at a very beautiful hotel. Halfway through the day Brian told me that the hotel asked him to do a photo shoot of our balcony set up with room service and in exchange we could eat the food afterwards. As Brian has done this for many jobs in the past I was not suspicious at all. The crazy thing is that while he was setting up, I was helping arrange the flowers for the shoot. Next thing I know he tells me his parents are coming over for some champagne to watch the sun set before the photo shoot. As we sit down Brian says he wants to take a picture of all of us. As I am posing for the picture I look over and Brian is holding a ring and says, "we should get married". He then waited for my reply until I said, "you didn't ask me a question yet". After he realized his blunder he asked me if I would marry him and of course I said YES. I slowly found out that the whole thing was set up and there was no photo shoot. We then had the most delicious Thai food brought to our room and spent the night eating, drinking and celebrating. On top of all of this, my engagement ring was his great-grandmothers and Brian's mom gave it to Brian for the big occasion. I still can't believe it and am feeling so incredibly lucky and blessed right now! Brian had a remote control and at the moment he asked me he took these pictures ( if you look carefully you can see it in his one hand). Leave it to the professional photographer to capture this moment on camera!!!