Friday, June 18, 2010

What 8,000 JD's can buy

Here is a quick peak into my world. Brian and I moved in at the beginning of May. We are on the fourth floor and in a great section of town. We can walk to restaurants, bars, grocery stores and an area that is similar to the Saturday Market back in Portland. It has food, people selling things and live music every Friday night. Our favorite place is our deck off the living room. We sit out there all the time and have a nice view of tree lined streets (a rarity here in Amman). Brian is excited to have his own office and I am excited to have a nice kitchen to start experimenting with some middle eastern dishes. In the bedroom we had to hang a big black sheet up because it is so sunny here we were waking up at 6 a.m. (I am not complaining though, I LOVE all the sun here). In all the bathrooms here they have bidet's (pronounced bid-day). I wish the states would catch on to the idea, they are quite useful. The middle of the apartment complex is full of plants and seats as you can see. This is incredibly uncommon here because it is using up so much space in a very tightly packed city of 2 million. It took a little over a month, several frustrations and one police report, but we are finally settled in and very happy with our new home.

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