Friday, October 15, 2010

Dubai on a dime...

Well, maybe a little more than a dime. A bottle of water at the Thai restaurant we ate at cost 80 dimes (8 USD). Though this city is outrageously expensive, we had a great time. It was a short trip to re-new our visas. We had two full days and packed in as much as we could. We were exhausted when we got home.
One whole day was spent in the sun. We got free tickets to the water park from a friend who used to work there. The rides actually went faster than I expected and one was in a pitch black tunnel. Brian said it made him sea sick, but I think he was scared.
The second day we went skiing inside the mall. Yep, the mall. Dubai has an indoor ski slope inside the mall that is open year round. Average summer temperatures are around 110 degrees so it is pretty insane. When we first walked past it I thought it looked cheesy, but it actually was really fun. Brian is writing an article about the ski slopes and the hotel that is attached, so we got to stay at the hotel for free one night. It has 6 chalets that overlook the ski slopes. Once again we had a glimpse into how the rich people live, a two story chalet with marble counters, a kitchen table, a huge bathtub and floor to ceiling windows looking out at the man made mountain. There was even a V.I.P. check-in area.
If you don't know much about Dubai, it is the city of excess. It has the world's tallest building, the world's largest mall and the only 7 star hotel that is on a man made island. It is like Vegas, without the sex and drinking. It is a very clean city and much calmer and more organized than Amman, but I prefer to vacation somewhere where I can hold Brian's hand in the streets and have a meal that doesn't cost a third of my salary.

**All photos compliments of Happy Medium Studios.

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