Friday, July 29, 2011

School's Out

I just finished an intensive 5 week program at George Mason University called the Fast Train Program. It was exhausting but worth it. I made it through with only one meltdown, not bad I think. I am so very excited!!!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Childhood Nostalgia

I was overcome with nostalgia a few nights ago. I saw one single lightning bug flicker its light while I was driving to go have dinner with my sister in Fairfax Virginia. I immediately got excited and had flashbacks to my childhood. I use to collect them in a jar and be amazed at the glowing treasures I had caught. Those were the days. I miss the pure innocence of childhood when your biggest concern was to catch more lightning bugs than your friends and decide which flavored popsicle to have that night. Sadly, I do remember squishing a few on the sidewalk and making a glowing streak.

We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand