Friday, July 15, 2011

Childhood Nostalgia

I was overcome with nostalgia a few nights ago. I saw one single lightning bug flicker its light while I was driving to go have dinner with my sister in Fairfax Virginia. I immediately got excited and had flashbacks to my childhood. I use to collect them in a jar and be amazed at the glowing treasures I had caught. Those were the days. I miss the pure innocence of childhood when your biggest concern was to catch more lightning bugs than your friends and decide which flavored popsicle to have that night. Sadly, I do remember squishing a few on the sidewalk and making a glowing streak.

We do not remember days; we remember moments. ~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand


  1. Totally. I'm also convinced that there are WAYYY less lightning bugs around than there used to be. btw reading that just got me all nostalgic. thanks.

  2. Innocents??? You are training to be a teacher???
