Saturday, June 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I have been back in the U.S. for 3 full days now and have taken notice of a few things:
1. The first thing I noticed is how much I missed understanding people talking around me. I have been chatting it up with everyone I come in contact with, be it the bus driver, the grocery store check out guy, strangers waiting in line with me or people I see in my dorm.
2. I think I may be stuck in money converting mode because every time I buy something I start to think what it really costs.
3. I really love trees.
4. I realize how incredibly loud Amman was and how much I appreciate peace and quiet.
5. It is appalling how women are treated in Jordan and I am grateful that I don't have to deal with it any more.
6. I missed grocery shopping in the U.S.
7. I need to re-train myself to use sidewalks (in Jordan everyone just walks in the street)
8. Apparently in both countries strange men think it is appropriate to offer me a ride. Who are they kidding, do any women actually say yes?

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