Monday, June 28, 2010

Now I can add stylist to my resume....

Ammar Khammash is an architect and has designed not only several famous buildings in Jordan, but also the currency (Jordanian Dinars). Brian had an interview with him for a story he is writing and Ammar kindly offered us to stay in his second home/studio for the night. The home is in a town named Pella which is about 2 hrs North of Amman. It was perfectly designed for the location and nothing short of inspiring. Ammar is also a painter and his art work was all over the house. Brian and I did some relaxing, but mostly we worked. This was my first official (well sort of) job as a stylist. Brian would tell me which room to style and the angle of the shot and I had to set the scene. The house had been a little neglected and was covered in cob webs and dust, so my styling job did include quite a bit of cleaning and hiding of junk. Underneath the thick layers of dirt though, was an eclectic collection of antiques, books and art supplies. Most of the pictures I took with my little point and shoot camera........can you guess which ones are done by the professional?

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