Monday, April 4, 2011

The Duke's Paradise

Brian's parents are in town so a few days ago we took a drive to the most northern part of Jordan to a town called Umm Qais. The Duke (a friend of ours) owns property that has a natural hot spring on it. Many years ago he designed several small villas on the property and then re-routed the hot spring to run through the small community. There is a large pool that has a small waterfall running into it. The day we were there was rather full of people so I didn't get a good picture of the main pool. We will be going back some time soon and I will add a few more pictures. The top picture is inside The Duke's private bathroom. He has a huge tub that is filled with the hot spring water and as you can see, several murals on the walls and doors. This was one of the most beautiful places I have been to in Jordan yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julienne, I wanted to ask you if you knew a way to get invited to this place. My husband and I we are having our anniversary coming up and as we have recently moved to JOrdan I would want to surprise him with something special.
