Monday, August 30, 2010

No Junk Food Allowed!

Starting September 15th I will be the English teacher for 98 4th grade girls at an all girls school down the street from me. They are split into three classes and I teach each class for about an hour and twenty minutes a day. Today at my training I learned that the school has a "No Junk Food Policy" and is quite strict about enforcing it. The students bring their lunches each day and are not allowed to bring any sort of soda or sweets. This includes anything sweet, even a piece of banana bread with chocolate chips in it. There is a canteen students can buy food at but it only sells sandwiches and fresh fruits and veggies. Those of you who have taught at schools in the states or have kids who attend them should understand why this is blog worthy. Pretty impressive I think. It sure would have made my job teaching nutrition the last three years easier if the students hadn't left my class to go be served greasy pizza with ranch dressing, french fries and a cookie from the cafeteria.

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