Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ramadan Kareem...not so much!

Though this may be a coincidence I have noticed a lot more hostility in the past two weeks. To be more exact, starting the day after Ramadan began. Since I have moved here in April I have never seen any physical fights. Every now and again I'd witness a shouting match but I have been told it is very rare for Arabs to actually touch each other or have it escalate to anything further.
The day after Ramadan began I heard a very loud altercation outside my window. There were groups of people watching and it struck me as unusual. Then about a week ago I saw two grown men near a shop arguing and start to grab each other and more or less wrestle. To add to that, yesterday I saw two men yelling and pushing each other and I am sure it would have gotten worse if two other men hadn't separated them and the police intervened.
As I said earlier this may be a coincidence but I have a feeling the lack of water on 100 degree days, the drastically dropping blood sugar levels and the sudden withdrawal from caffeine and cigarettes may be to blame.

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